Tender Machines -Museum exhibition

Solo Exhibtion 3rd May- 31st October

The London Museum of Water and Steam, Green Dragon Lane, London TW8 0EN

(next to Kew Bridge Station or 5 minutes from Gunnersbury District Line Tube Station)

Tender Machines: Holding Paradox curated by Richard Hore, is a body of work by Jasmine Pradissitto, inviting you to explore an ongoing 300-year dialogue, between the industrial and the sublime. Set against the breathtaking backdrop of The London Museum of Water & Steam, this exhibition reimagines the relationship between nature, human and machine, by weaving natural, found and manufactured materials with monumental Victorian structures.

Such entanglement itself is a form or renewal


A multi -award winning London-based British artist, scientist, speaker, and environmentalist with a Ph.D. in physics from UC, I  have studied art at Goldsmith’s and London Met. A polymath, my critical practice spans painting, sculpture, and technology and I am  the only artist in the world licensed to use NOXORBTM, a newly developed ceramic material that absorbs nitrogen dioxide (NOx) pollution from the air. My work based on innovation inspired by the natural world and biomimicry, is increasingly less about the narrative of our past planetary ingressions, and more about our adaptation to a post-industrial, anthropogenic world. Inspired by Darwin’s 1862 ‘evolutionary arms race’ theory between an unusual orchid and moth, through my works I seek  a new era: the ‘Symbiocene’ a time during which we realise that one species can only survive because of the existence of the other.

